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Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone
Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone has served as Archbishop of San Francisco since 2012, and on the Executive Board of CANFP since 2009. Archbishop Cordileone has written and spoken extensively in defense of marriage, and the principles of Humanae Vitae, and was featured presenter at the banquet honoring the 40th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae.
Monseñor Salvatore J. Cordileone ha sido Arzobispo de San Francisco desde el 2012, y ha formado parte de la mesa directiva de CANFP desde el 2009. Monseñor Cordileone ha escrito y dictado conferencias en defensa del matrimonio y los principios de Humanae Vitae extensamente, además de haber sido el orador principal en el banquete celebrado en honor del Cuadragésimo (40) Aniversario de Humanae Vitae
Keynote: Humanae Vitae at 50: A Truth Ever Timeless, Ever New
We can see God’s ingenious design for our happiness and flourishing in the very way He created us, even in the very design of our bodies. Trying to redesign it according to our own whims only brings woe – the Garden of Eden all over again. Acknowledging it, accepting it and living it faithfully leads us to the deep and lasting happiness that God wants for us: communion with each other, and with Him now and forever in the life of heaven.
Español: Pregúntele al Arzobispo
¿Este evento suscitó para usted alguna duda? ¿Quiere que se aclare algún aspecto de esta enseñanza sobre el matrimonio y la sexualidad? ¿Ha tenido problemas para comprender cómo aplica esta enseñanza en su familia o comunidad parroquial? El Arzobispo Cordileone se dedicará en esta sesión a contestar sus preguntas y responder a temas de su interés
Clergy Day: God is Full of Surprises: Humanae Vitae as the Key to the New Evangelization
The teaching of Humanae Vitae plunges us into the depths of who we are as human persons created in the image and likeness of God. Recognizing this truth and living it out leads to the fulfillment of our human vocation: happiness with God now and forever in heaven. Now is the time to unleash the power of this teaching for the healing of our society and the renewal of the Church.

George Weigel
George Weigel, Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, is a Catholic theologian and one of America’s leading public intellectuals. Author or editor of over twenty books, including Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II, his writings appear regularly in major opinion journals and national newspapers, and he is the Senior Vatican Analyst for NBC News.
Keynote: John Paul II and the Integrity of Love
Theology of the Body and Familiaris Consortio as the mature response of John Paul II to the cultural crisis caused by the contraceptive pill and its effects — and the roots of that response in both his pastoral work with young couples and his philosophical/theological reflections on those experiences, illustrated by stories from some of those young people.

Prof. Janet E. Smith
Janet E. Smith, PhD, author of Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later, in addition to other titles. has been published in many academic journals, and is a regular columnist for the National Catholic Register and blogs on and appeared on CNN, Fox News, Geraldo Show, EWTN, and others. She served three terms as a consulter to the Pontifical Council on the Family, and was a member of the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission for eight years. More than two million copies of her transforming talk, “Contraception: Why Not” have been distributed. Dr. Janet E. Smith holds the Father Michael J. McGivney Chair of Life Ethics at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Read her HV50 BIog contribution HERE.
Keynote: The Good News and Bad News Regarding Humanae Vitae
Fifty years after the promulgation of Humanae Vitae, there is reason to be optimistic – the efforts of many people and programs are bringing the good news about God’s plan for sexuality to more and more people in the midst of a culture whose thinking about sexuality is skewed beyond belief. But theologians who are more shaped by the culture than the Church are again attacking the teaching, this time, focusing on the argument that “the teaching has not been received” and that we must respect the “subjectivity” of persons. This talk will address those arguments as well as show that we are making progress!
Concurrent Session: The Genesis and Aftermath of Humanae Vitae
Humanae vitae was promulgated in one of the most tumultuous decades in the history of mankind, a decade characterized by rebellion and revolt against authority. Vatican II seemed a game changer in bringing the Church into the modern world. To some people this meant that the Church would need to change its teaching on contraception; overpopulation, feminism, and personal autonomy required it. Theologians who dissented from Church teaching found an easy audience and for decades there has been a battle to restore fidelity to the truths that Jesus teaches us through his Church. This talk tells that story.
Clergy Day: The Importance of Preaching the Difficult Truths
If not you, who? If not now, when? If people do not hear this from their priest, they will not hear it. Exploring tackling the tough subjects, in truth and love.

Christopher West
Christopher West is a best-selling author, speaker, and world-renowned expert in John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, a bold, biblical vision of love and sexuality that takes us to the core of what it means to be human. Founder and President of the Cor Project, he leads an international outreach devoted to spreading this liberating teaching and empowering others to live and share it.
Keynote: Total Eclipse of the Body: How We Lost Sight of the Meaning of Sex, Gender, Marriage, and Family AND How to Regain it
In our post-sexual revolution world, we are experiencing a total eclipse of the meaning of the body. A darkness has been cast over our humanity and we simply can no longer see the fundamental significance of the human body to human identity. What has passed in front of the sun blocking the body’s meaning? And are there any “astronomers” out there who can explain this phenomenon, who can help us understand why this has happened and if, when, and how the darkness will pass? In this presentation, Christopher West will point to three: Our Lady of Fatima, Pope Paul VI, and Pope John Paul II. He will demonstrate how Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae properly recognized the modern embrace of contraception as the cause of the eclipse, and then demonstrate how Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body provides a solid basis for hope that we won’t remain in this darkness indefinitely – the eclipse of the body will pass when, as Mary promised, her Immaculate Heart triumphs.
Concurrent Session: Theology of the Body and the New Evangelization: How John Paul II’s Spousal Theology Empowers Us to Proclaim the Gospel to the Modern World
John Paul II’s Theology of the Body is most often framed as a catechesis on marriage and sexual love. It is that, but, through his spousal theology, this great mystic saint has given us a lens through which to view the entire Christian mystery, and he’s given us a new language with which to share the age-old truth of the gospel with the modern world. In this session Christopher West follows John Paul II’s, Benedict XVI’s, and Pope Francis’s lead in reframing the gospel as a the only adequate response to the deepest longings of the heart, a longing the Church does not hesitate to call “eros”!

Patrick Coffin
Keynote: Humanae Vitae: Back To the Future
The message of Humanae Vitae is a message of humanity, totality, faithfulness, and fecundity. The truth of its norms are not dependent on shifting opinions or moods, but rooted in the way men and women are made by God, who is love. This bracing talk will give you memorable, practical tools with which to explain the teaching and its context whenever you are “asked about the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:16). Despite the lies and half-truths told about soon-to-be Saint Paul VI’s most famous encyclical, Humanae Vitae is not the disease; it’s the cure—for so many social and sexual disruptions. Not unike Jesus, it remains a sign of contradiction to a culture hell bent on relativist hedonism.

Dr. Ray Gaurendi
Banquet Speaker
Dr. Ray Guarendi is a father of ten, clinical psychologist, author, speaker, national radio host of “The Dr. Is In” & television host of EWTN’s “Living Right With Dr. Ray.” His in-depth experience has led to his discovery that so-called parenting “experts” are undermining parental authority and preventing parents from following their God-given instincts to raise their kids for Heaven. Dr. Ray has given over 3,000 talks on topics including smart parenting, happier marriages, successful families and the wisdom and beauty of the Catholic faith.
Banquet: Laughter: the Sanity of Family
Parents are having their confidence, peace of mind, and authority undercut by a number of widespread myths that have been pushed upon them by the experts, the media and almost everybody else. Victimized by these false notions, many parents and educators are plagued by groundless worry, guilt and frustration. This presentation will foster self confidence, peace of mind, and will put authority into your hands where it belongs.

Bishop Gerald Barnes
Principal Celebrant, Closing Liturgy
Bishop Barnes was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of San Antonio, and Pope Saint John Paul II appointed him as the first auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of San Bernardino, and in 1995, as Bishop. With over 27,000 square miles and over 1.7 million Catholics, Bishop Barnes is chief shepherd to one of the fastest growing dioceses in the nation

Don Johnson
Don Johnson, author, speaker, radio show host, and filmmaker is the president of Don Johnson Evangelistic Ministries, a media apostolate dedicated to creatively proclaiming the Kingdom of God and training and equipping believers to share and defend the gospel. Don’s latest movie, Unprotected, premiering at this HV50 celebration, is about the devastating effects of contraception and the sexual revolution.
Friday Special Event: Unprotected Panel Moderator: How Contraception Ignited a Revolution that Destroyed the Culture
Don Johnson, Producer of Unprotected will moderate a live panel following the film, featuring film participants including Christopher West, Janet Smith, PhD, and Patrick Coffin.

Deacon William V. Williams, MD
Deacon William V. Williams, M.D., is the husband of Lorraine, father of Ron, Christina and Jon, a board-certified rheumatologist and a medical researcher who was ordained a deacon in the Catholic Church in 2013. He served from 2009-2017 and the Editor-in-Chief of The Linacre Quarterly, the official journal of the Catholic Medical Association. He is an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and is currently the President and CEO of BriaCell Therapeutics Corporation. He has helped to coordinate and participate in a series of comprehensive literature reviews of the medical, psychological, sociological and spiritual effects of contraceptives on women focusing on hormonal agents. Read his HV50 Blog contribution HERE.
Concurrent Session: Medical Consequences of Contraception: How Sterilizing Steroids Disrupt the Body, Mind and Spirit of Women
Persons are made up of a profound unity of body, mind and spirit and when one of these is perturbed there are invariably consequences that effect the entire person. The use of sterilizing steroids, such as the contraceptive pill, disrupts this unity with profound medical, psychological, sociological and spiritual consequences. This talk will focus on the medical consequences of sterilizing steroids with reference to how the entire person is effected.

Christopher Kaczor, PhD.
Dr. Christopher Kaczor, Professor of Philosophy at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, has authored 11 books, including The Seven Big Myths about Marriage and Life Issues-Medical Choices. A graduate of the Honors Program at Boston College, he earned a Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame, and did post-doctoral work in Germany at the University of Cologne as a Federal Chancellor Fellow and returned as a Fulbright Scholar. Dr. Kaczor’ s research on issues of ethics, philosophy, and religion has been in the New York and LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, National Review, NPR, BBC, EWTN, ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, MSNBC, TEDx, and The Today Show.
Concurrent Session: The Good of Procreation
While it may seem obvious, couples and society actually often operate form a very different premise, and this presentation will talk about why procreation is a good thing for parents.

Steven Mosher
Steven W. Mosher was the first American scholar allowed to do research in China in 1979-80. He found himself in the middle of the most horrific population control program the world has ever seen. In the years since, he has written or edited a dozen books on China, including his latest, Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order.
Concurrent Session: Humanae Vitae was right: Governments are Using Contraception (and Sterilization and Abortion) to Control Their Population
Pope Paul VI warned in Humanae Vitae that governments would misuse artificial contraception for purposes of population control. This prophesy has come true with a vengeance not just in China, but in dozens of countries around the world. Mosher will detail the war on people that new and deadly techniques of contraception and sterilization have enabled.

Patricia Sandoval
Patricia Sandoval’s story of three abortions, work behind the hidden doors of Planned Parenthood, followed by nearly three years as a homeless drug addict, is a testament to the saving love and mercy of Jesus Christ and His desire to bring this world’s hidden dangers into the light for healing. She shares her testimony in speaking engagements around the world, and her recent book Transfigured.
La historia de Patricia Sandoval, sus tres abortos, su trabajo detrás de las puertas de Planned Parenthood, seguido por casi tres años de droga adición y vivir entre las calles, es un gran testimonio de Misericordia y del amor que salva de JesusCristo. El deseo de Jesus traer luz y sanacion, a este mundo lleno de peligros y obscuridad. Ella comparte su testimonio por todo el mundo y tambien dando conocer su nuevo libro, Transfigurada.
Concurrent Session: Healing the Wounds of the Contraceptive Culture
The story of a personal journey: Healing from the ravages of growing up in a Planned Parenthood indoctrinated contraceptive culture.
Español: Sanando las Heridas Causadas por una Cultura Anticonceptiva
La historia de mi proceso de sanación de los estragos que me causó el adoctrinamiento a favor de los anticonceptivos por parte de Planned Parenthood.

Thomas Hilgers, MD
Dr. Hilgers developed a new women’s health science called NaProTechnology, which grew out of Creighton Model of FertilityCare System he co-developed. Founder and director of the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction, Dr. Hilgers is a clinical professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Creighton University School of Medicine, and diplomat of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the American Board of Laser Surgery, and is a member of the prestigious Society of Reproductive Surgeons. Dr. Hilgers has served on the Pontifical Council for the Family and the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Concurrent Session: One Physician’s Response to the Pastoral Directives of Humanae Vitae
Dr. Hilgers will review some of the difficulties and positive outcomes over a lifetime dedicated not only to the development of natural methods, but also the development of a whole new women’s health science: NaProTECHNOLOGY®

David Calavitta
David Calavitta is a passionate Catholic in love with Christ and his Church. He’s also very much in love with his wife, Brittany, and their son, Judah. David has been blessed to serve the Church through youth and young adult ministry since 2000. In addition to his speaking ministry, he currently serves as the director of Design and Marketing for Life Teen International.
Finding Victory in a Pornified Culture
It’s no secret that society is being shaped more and more by the invasive presence of pornography. Not only is pornography now more readily available than ever, it’s terminology, philosophy, and lifestyle are flooding vast areas of culture like tidal waves. As Catholics, – as human beings – we can’t ignore that the water is rising. We must have the courage to recognize that we live in an increasingly pornified world and that it’s affects are far more devastating and socially-prevalent than an individual’s struggle with pornography. Though seemingly overwhelming, the good news reminds us that Jesus has conquered sin, giving us strength and strategies to find victory amidst the pandemic that is this pornified society. This talk will reveal the dark reality of our pornified culture while shining the light and hope of the Gospel into the hearts of us who are called to live in it.

Pia de Solenni, SThD
Dr. Pia de Solenni, SThD, serves as Chancellor for the Diocese of Orange and Theological Advisor to the Bishop. She earned her doctorate in theology summa cum laude from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Her work has spanned a wide range of academia and policy initiatives, including a substantial media presence. Her expertise includes moral theology, women in the Church, culture, bio-ethics, and women’s health.
Concurrent Session: Pope Paul VI and His Vision for Humanity
Pope Paul VI authored the controversial encyclical Humanae Vitae in 1968. Within the Catholic Church, this led to a tremendous lack of confidence in papal authority, resulting in a majority of Catholics rejecting the Catholic Church’s teaching on contraception. While the ensuing debate has been about contraception and fertility awareness, these topics were only part of the encyclical. In promoting these teachings, Paul VI was underscoring a deeper reality about the human person, which deserves further consideration, particularly during the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the encyclical when we can survey the concrete consequences of rejecting this specific teaching.

Lindsay Fay
Lindsay Fay grew up in Southern California and is a 2015 graduate of Santa Clara University with a BA in Religious Studies. Lindsay met The Culture Project while serving as an intern for the Theology of the Body Institute in Philadelphia. As she found such profound healing in the area of sexual integrity, she dreamed of a way to impart these messages to her peers. She then felt a calling to join the mission of The Culture Project. “All it takes is one joyful witness of virtue to change the heart of a young person, and I desire to be that witness.” See her story for the HV50 Stories HERE.
Concurrent Session: Inspiring Sexual Integrity in Young Adults
Why does happiness and love so often seem unattainable? Why do the self-serving promises of today leave our lives colorless, ugly, and unfulfilled? Lindsay and Gian open up the world of beauty found in a life of virtue, particularly, the virtue of chastity. They will dissolve the old world confusion about the virtue as a “restraining” list of rules and illuminate the freedom found in this lifestyle. They get real about the genuine struggles experienced by young men and women looking for love and happiness, address the deeper meaning of sex, the purpose of our sexual desire, and our sexual identity as male and female., and share practical tips about how to channel our natural desires towards authentic love.

Gian Gamboa
Gian Gamboa, a California native, first encountered the Culture Project during his time in college at California Polytechnic State University. Gian currently serves as a 2nd year missionary on the Los Angeles team. He believes that the key to restoring culture is by first allowing God to fix the brokenness within oneself, in order to love more fully. “There’s just something special about a group of young adults who are unafraid to strive for virtue amidst their weaknesses. We don’t believe in settling for anything less than the authentic love we were all created for, and we want to invite others to live in the freedom of this truth.”
Concurrent Session: Inspiring Sexual Integrity in Young Adults (co-presenting)
Why does happiness and love so often seem unattainable? Why do the self-serving promises of today leave our lives colorless, ugly, and unfulfilled? Lindsay and Gian open up the world of beauty found in a life of virtue, particularly, the virtue of chastity. They will dissolve the old world confusion about the virtue as a “restraining” list of rules and illuminate the freedom found in this lifestyle. They get real about the genuine struggles experienced by young men and women looking for love and happiness, address the deeper meaning of sex, the purpose of our sexual desire, and our sexual identity as male and female., and share practical tips about how to channel our natural desires towards authentic love.

Fr. Paul Check
Fr. Paul Check Fr Paul Check was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Bridgeport in 1997. He holds an STL in moral theology from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Currently, he serves as the rector of the St John Fisher Seminary Residence, a college seminary and pre-theology program in Stamford, CT. He teaches courses in fundamental moral theology, and sexual and medical ethics. Previously, he served for nine years as the executive director of Courage International, an apostolate of the Catholic Church for men and women who experience same sex attraction, and for their families and loved ones. Read his HV50 BLOG contribution HERE.
Concurrent Session: Contraception and Homosexuality: What the Care of Souls has Taught Me
The doctrinal and moral teachings of the Church are the foundation and path for a fulfilled human and Christian life. This talk examines how pastoral care validates the Church’s teaching on sex.
Clergy Day: Is Chasity Part of the Good News?
Why is chastity integral to a happy life? Is the Church’s teaching a harmonious tapestry or only a series of “don’ts” and “no’s”? What are some practical suggestions to grow in this virtue?

Fr. Luke Dysinger, OSB, MD
Fr. Luke studied religion and medicine at the University of Southern California, and received his D. Phil in Theology from Oxford University. Prior to joining the monastic community at Saint Andrew’s Abbey in 1980, he trained as a physician, and is board certified in family practice and a fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice, serving as member and former-chair of the bioethics committee at Antelope Valley Medical Center, where he is on the medical staff. He teaches marriage and human sexuality, bioethics, patristics, and the history of Christian spirituality at Saint John’s Seminary in Camarillo, California. Read Fr. Luke’s article on Amoris Laetitia in the HV50 Blog HERE.
Concurrent Session: Using Amoris Laetitia in Defense of Life and NFP
Discussion of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia has become increasingly heated in recent months in a Catholic culture that can only be described as increasingly polarized. This has led to a simplistic all-or-nothing approach regarding the Exhortation, focusing primarily on the very controversial issue of the reception of Holy Communion by those in irregular unions. In fact, the Exhortation contains sections that are very favorable to NFP and traditional Catholic sexual ethics: awareness of this may help promote a more positive and broad acceptance of Natural Family Planning by those who favor the use of Amoris Laetitia in evangelization and catechesis.
Clergy Day: The Role and Importance of the Clergy in a New Era of Natural Family Planning
The majority of priests today are uncomfortable discussing Natural Family Planning either with couples or fellow-clergy, or in their preaching/catechesis. In this presentation we will review some of the reasons why this so and suggest ways in which dialogue with laity and health-care professionals can be renewed and enlivened.

George Delgado, MD, FAFFP
El Dr. Delgado es el fundador de Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) y el director medico de Culture of Life Family Health Care. A publicado dos articulos sobre la tema de la reversion de mifepristona, la pildora abortiva. El Dr. Delgado estudio medicina en la Universidad de California, Davis y acabo su residencia en el Hospital Santa Monica/UCLA. Es diplomado en medicina familia y hospicio y medicina paliativa. También estudio ética medica y recibio el certificado del National Catholic Bioethics Center.
Español: Los Danos y Riesgos de Anticoncepcion
En esta charla, vamos a explorar los riesgos de anticonceptivos. Esos riesgos son muchos incluso cancer seno, depresión y problemas con parerjas.

Padre Eduardo Horning
El padre Eduardo Horning es un sacerdote de la Diócesis de San Diego. Es co-anfitrión de “Buenos Días en el Camino” los Jueves de 9AM a 10AM en ESNE Radio (El Sembrador) compartiendo sobre la Teología del Cuerpo. Él es el párroco de las parroquias Católicas de Brawley y Westmorland, California. HV50 Blog
Español: 50 años de Humanae Vitae: Viendo el mundo con los lentes de Humanae Vitae y la Teología del Cuerpo
Es hora de obtener nuestra visión espiritual correcta. Póngase los lentes de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia vista a través de la enseñanza eterna de la Iglesia.

Miguel Ángel Domínguez Mena, MD
El Dr. Mena es el Médico ginecólogo endoscopista mexicano, maestro en ciencias médicas e investigación clínica, muy enamorado esposo y padre de dos bebés Napro.
Español: Moviendo la Piedra
Testimonio de un médico ginecólogo obstetra sobre como el uso del modelo Creighton cambia completamente su forma de diagnosticar y tratar los problemas de salud reproductiva en las pacientes, no tan solo con excelentes resultados sino además, de una forma ética, científicamente plausible y profundamente respetuosa de la vida y la dignidad humana.
Concurrent Sessions Panelists:
Modern Methods of Natural Family Planning
Experts representing a variety of methods of natural family planning offer a a brief introduction into the options available for healthy, effective, natural methods of monitoring and tracking fertility.

Lynn Keenan, MD
Dr. Lynn Keenan, President of CANFP, Vice President of the International Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine, is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCSF Fresno, and Board Certified in Sleep and Internal Medicine. She is the mother of four adult children.

Pam & Walter Birdsall
Pam and Walt Birdsall from Napa, California, have been a teaching couple with Couple to Couple League since 2010, and working in marriage preparation and enrichment ministries for over 25 years. Married 38 years, they have six adult children and 14 grandchildren.

Diane Daly
Diane is a wife, mother and grandmother, RN and co-developer of the Creighton Model Fertility Care Services. She is a supervisor of the Department of Fertility Care Service at Mercy Hospital St. Louis, Director of the St. Louis Archdiocesan Office of NFP and a faculty member of the PPVI Institute education program and other education programs nationally and internationally.

Sue Ek
Sue Ek has been executive director of the United States headquarters of the Billings Ovulation Method® since 2001. She has been a Billings Method™ trainer and supervisor, and coordinated the publication of A Preachable Message book and CD which are tools for clergy to preach about Humanae Vitae. A resident of St. Cloud, MN, her work has taken her to Malaysia, Europe, India, Australia, Mexico and Canada.

K.C. Schnitker
KC Schnitker is a certified NFP instructor and the executive director of Family of the Americas Foundation. She is passionate about sharing the Church’s teachings on marriage and has developed a simple and effective way for instructors to promote Humanae Vitae and NFP. KC has been married to Ed for 25 years and is the mother of seven children.
The Many Faces of NFP
Natural Family Planning services can be integrated in a wide range of venues, each setting offering their own advantages,and often reaching different audiences. In this session there will be an opportunity to learn from the experiences of 1) nurse, 2) physician, and 3) pastor, who each have established, thriving NFP programs, in a hospital, medical practice, and parish, respectively.

Fr. Larry Toschi, OSJ
Fr. Larry Toschi, OSJ, an Oblate of St. Joseph, and Pastor of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Copatroness of the Unborn, in Bakersfield, California, has been a supporter of Humane Vitae since his college days, when Catholic professors almost all dissented. Fr. Larry, who serves on the Advisory Board of CANFP, is the developor of Life Giving Love Weekends, which he has offered for the past 34 years, and author of several books, his most recent being the bilingual Family Starts with Marriage, Holy Spouses Devotions and Rites.

Diane Daly
Diane is a wife, mother and grandmother, RN and co-developer of the Creighton Model Fertility Care Services. She is a supervisor of the Department of Fertility Care Service at Mercy Hospital St. Louis, Director of the St. Louis Archdiocesan Office of NFP and a faculty member of the PPVI Institute education program and other education programs nationally and internationally.

George Delgado, MD, FAFFP
Dr. George Delgado is the founder of Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) and the medical director of Culture of Life Family Health Care. He has published two articles in peer-reviewed medical journals detailing the reversal of medical abortion using progesterone, the most recent being in April 2018. Dr. Delgado is board certified in family medicine and in hospice and palliative medicine, and an NFP Medical Consultant trained in NaProTechnology.
Empowering Young Women through Cycle/Fertility Literacy
Young women educated to understand their own bodies in the context of fertility appreciation—-cycle literate young women—-are empowered by this knowledge, and better equipped to confidently respect the nature of the design.

Suzanne Spence
Suzanne Spence worked as an RN in Pediatrics at Stanford early in her nursing career, and in Stanford’s School of Medicine Immersive Learning Center. Her interest in women’s health grew after the birth of her children, and especially as her daughters entered their teen years. This professional and personal experience, and her passion for educating young women to become cycle literate, led her to her become the West Coast Coordinator for Teen STAR: Sexuality Teaching in the Context of Adult Responsibility.

Brenda Cerkez
Brenda Cerkez is Executive Director of Family Honor, Incorporated. In that role, she works with parents and ministry leaders in the United States and internationally who are interested in programs that recognize the importance of family and the unique role of parents in speaking with their children about chastity and the beauty of God’s gift of sexuality. Mrs. Cerkez has appeared on EWTN Live, Catholic Connection, On Call with Wendy Weise, and numerous other Catholic programs. She has over 30 years’ experience in working with pro-life, pro-family organizations and is the recipient of the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Cross, given by Pope Benedict XVI.
Effective Diocesan NFP Ministry Through Sharing God’s Vision of Married Love
This session will explore the central elements of effective diocesan NFP ministry. It will focus upon leading with God’s vision for married love. The discussion will provide an overview of diocesan NFP ministry in the United States and highlight NFP as the “skill set” to support God’s plan for marriage and the family.

Theresa Notare, PhD
Theresa Notare, PhD, is the Assistant Director of the NFP Program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, DC. In her role, Dr. Notare provides assistance to the U.S. bishops in developing and/or strengthening their NFP ministry. She also provides individual consultation to the diocesan NFP coordinators. With expertise in Church teaching on human sexuality, marriage, conjugal love and responsible parenthood, and the methods of NFP, Dr. Notare produces resources, publishes articles, provides talks, as well as has appeared on EWTN and Catholic radio.

Alice Heinzen
Alice Heinzen is the Family Life Director for the Diocese of LaCrosse in Wisconsin. Trained in NFP, Mrs. Heinzen has extensive experience in providing education in Church teaching and NFP to couples, healthcare professionals, clergy, and the general Catholic population. She and her husband, Jeff, have acted as auditors for North America at the 2014 Synod of Bishops: III Extraordinary General Assembly – Vatican City. Mrs. Heinzen is a member of the U.S. bishops’ NFP National Advisory Board.

Cindy Leonard
Cindy Leonard is the NFP Coordinator for the Diocese of Phoenix in Arizona. Mrs. Leonard has taught Northwest Family Service’s SymptoPro NFP method with her husband, Mike, for over 35 years. She has provided extensive education on Church teaching and NFP to couples, healthcare professionals, clergy, and the general Catholic population in her diocese, and co-developed and coordinates the Diocese of Phoenix teen leadership program for remote marriage preparation. She is a member of the U.S. bishops’ NFP National Advisory Board
Inspiring and Equipping Engaged and Married Couples to live Faithful to God’s Design
Three dioceses share their experience introducing engaged and married couples to Natural Family Planning, and engage participants in adapting these strategies to their own ministries and circumstances.

Steve Patton
Steve Patton is the Associate Director for Family and Respect Life Ministries for the Diocese of Sacramento. A former trial lawyer, he received a Master’s degree in Theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1997 and has been working full time for the Catholic Church ever since. Steve and his wife, Bridget, have three adopted children.

Mario Martinez
Mario O. Martinez currently serves as coordinator of the Marriage Education Initiative at the Diocese of San Bernardino. He holds a Master’s degree in Applied Psychology from Sacred Heart University

Alice Heinzen
Alice Heinzen is the Family Life Director for the Diocese of LaCrosse in Wisconsin. Trained in NFP, Mrs. Heinzen has extensive experience in providing education in Church teaching and NFP to couples, healthcare professionals, clergy, and the general Catholic population. She and her husband, Jeff, have acted as auditors for North America at the 2014 Synod of Bishops: III Extraordinary General Assembly – Vatican City. Mrs. Heinzen is a member of the U.S. bishops’ NFP National Advisory Board.
Sharing the Journey
Seeing the wisdom and beauty of the teachings of Humanae Vitae can be a process, with bumps and detours, and in this session we gain insights into the journey, through personal witness of those who have walked that winding path.

Mary Davenport, MD

Karen Poehailos, MD, CFCMC
Karen D. Poehailos, MD, CFCMC is a board certified family physician and Certified FertilityCare Medical Consultant in Charlottesville VA. She is also an instructor trainer in Southern Star SymptoThermal Method and serves as the NFP coordinator for St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish and the Catholic Diocese of Richmond VA, and on the USCCB National Advisory Board for Natural Family Planning. She has been interviewed by EWTN Radio and TV about NFP and prolife issues, and is a physician on the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline. Currently she is the Clinic Manager for the Pregnancy Centers of Central Virginia and a part-time urgent care/primary care physician for Patient First in Richmond, VA.
Promoviendo la Cultura de la Vida en la Comunidad Hispana
Hoy en día, el hablar sobre la sexualidad humana aún es un tabú. Sin embargo, el no conocer la verdad y la belleza del plan de Dios para la vida, el amor, y la intimidad matrimonial, sigue teniendo consecuencias muy graves en nuestra comunidad. Muchos aún no conocen la bella alternativa a los anticonceptivos; la planificación familiar natural, un regalo de Dios para el ser humano. En esta sesión de panel, se presentarán tres diferentes perspectivas de cómo promover los métodos de planificación natural en la comunidad hispana. Es nuestra esperanza que esta sesión le inspire a proclamar la sabiduría y riqueza del auténtico amor matrimonial y el regalo de La Planificación Familiar Natural.

Mario Martinez
Mario O. Martínez se desempeña como coordinador de la Iniciativa para la Educación Matrimonial en la Diócesis de San Bernardino. Posee una Maestría en Psicología Aplicada de la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón.

Fr. Larry Toschi, OSJ
P. Larry Toschi, OSJ, Oblato de San José, y Pastor del Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Copatroness of the Unborn, en Bakersfield, California, ha sido partidario de Humane Vitae desde sus días en la universidad, cuando los profesores católicos casi todos disidido. P. Larry, quien es miembro del Consejo Asesor de CANFP, es el desarrollador de Life Giving Love Weekends, que ha ofrecido durante los últimos 34 años, y autor de varios libros, siendo su más reciente el bilingüe Family Starts with Marriage, Holy Spouses Devotions y Ritos.
Clergy Day: MY HV Story Panel
Panelists share with Clegy attendees the impact of the teachings articulated in Humanae Vitae on their lives and relationships