Were you one of the 750 (including 75 Clergy) in attendance at the national HV50 Celebration in July 2018 in Ontario, California, hosted by the California Association of Natural Family Planning?
HV50 Attendance
2/3 attendees from California— 1/3 from outside California
—6 Countries US, CA(10), Mex (3), Italy(2), Nigeria, Australia
—36 States AL(2), AZ(21), CA (510), CO, CT, DC, DE, FL(6), GA, IL(4), IN(4), KS(5), LA(5), MA, MD(2), MI, MN(8), MO(5), MS, NC(2), NE(7), NJ(2), NM(2), NV(3), NY(5), OH(7), OR(4), PA(9), SC(3), SD(4), TX(16), UT, VA(2), VT, WA(8), WI
34 Exhibitors:
1 from Canada
11 from California
19 from other states AL(2), CT, FL(3), KS, MD, MN, NE, NY(2), OH(2), OR, PA, TX, UT, VT
Spanish Session Attendance
7% (46) intended to attend Spanish sessions
79% (535) intended to attend English sessions
14% (92) intended to attend some of each
60 reserved headsets with registration (estimated only half that number actually used)
Pre-Conference Events:
American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals
International Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine
HV50 Clergy Day
Clergy Day Attendance (1/3 of those attended next two days as well)
54 priests
15 Permanent Deacons
2 (Arch) Bishops
1 seminarian
(64 from California—rest: Rome, CT, FL, AZ, KS, SD, OH, NV
More Conference Info LInks:
HV50 Speakers/Abstracts
Attendees Say