Help Wanted! Get Involved!


Have you often thought you would like to get more involved and apply your skills and passion to advocating NFP beyond your local area, when_______ (fill in the blank: you graduate, kids start school, kids are grown, things slow down, you retire, etc.)?  While sometimes it is just not prudent to  take on new responsibilities, sometimes we are just waiting for the perfect time—which rarely presents itself. Sometimes important things just need to be tackled! (You know what they say, you want something done, ask a busy person.)

CANFP is a unique organization, there is no other like us in the country. Our exciting and successful National HV50 Celebration created a buzz of interest in the services offered by CANFP. This unique time of increased activity has created a need for more people to get involved, sharing their skills and gifts. Are you feeling called?

Love planning events? Creating flyers or website content? Developing Curriculum? Funding and Development? Speaking? Writing? Editing and Formatting content for publications? Organized? Creative? Technical? CANFP would like to hear from you. CANFP is expanding—many volunteer opportunities, some with potential to lead to paid positions, and some that do currently include a stipend. Below are some examples of current openings. Contact or call 1-877-33-CANFP (22637)  to discuss any of these openings, or other ways to get involved in our expanded outreach with this exciting project.

Membership Chair: Invite new members and support existing members with renewal process; maintain membership database,

Parish Liaison: Increase collaboration with parishes throughout California, identifying and serving their needs

Assistant to Director: CANFP is expanding its core team—this is an exciting time to be part of that team!

Administrative Assistant: Assume responsibility for ongoing administrative tasks, and short term assignments

CANFP NEWS Editor: Edit and format the quarterly publication, solicit contributors.

Funding and Development: Share the rewarding vision of supporting the mission of CANFP with new supporters, and assuring CANFP supporters are aware of the good accomplished due to their support!

Communications Share CANFP vision and events through social and traditional media outlets

Translator: Translate written materials from English to Spanish.

Webmaster: Create content, at, and and update, monitor, and maintain websites 

Graphic Designer: Design brochures and publications

Exhibit Outreach Coordinator: Exhibit for CANFP at events throughout California

Resource Coordinator: Maintain resources, and fill orders

Curriculum Development: Develop programs, presentations, and training for target audiences

Speakers Bureau: Develop speakers bureau, conduct trainings, and manage bookings

My HV STORY Coordinator: Actively solicit 1-3 minute video clips depicting personal testimony of the impact of HV, review all submitted clips, and post live at

     Registration Materials:   Develop, order, and assemble registration packet materials for attendees.
     Conference Registrar: Coordinate all preregistration, and on site registration, responding to registration questions.
     Hospitality Coordinator: Coordinate, provide refreshments, set up and staff hospitality for all self- catered events in Hotel suites             Funding and Development Chair: Create Sponsor and Program Support packages and outreach materials, solicit sponsors
Materials Design: Develop posters, conference brochure, program, program ads, signage.
Promotion Coordinator:  Promote conference regionally, and nationally
     Speaker Liaison: Communicate with speakers, coordinating their arrangements, keeping them informed, and obtaining from them           what is needed (CVS, pictures, objectives, presentations, releases, AV needs, etc).
 On site Volunteer Coordinator: Solicit and coordinate on site conference volunteers
Recording Partner: Professional recording and filming of event.
 Exhibit Coordinator: Identify, solicit and coordinate exhibitors, and supervise on site

Volunteer Information