Let’s Renew Our Commitment This Anniversary Year!!

Let’s Renew Our Commitment This Anniversary Year!!

50 years ago, Pope Paul VI heroically persevered, despite intense pressures to the contrary, in inviting us to know and understand the call to be Faithful to God’s Design. It was not new teaching—the Catholic Church has always taught that our sexual nature is...
Who Is Your HV HERO?

Who Is Your HV HERO?

HERO—a word that conjures up dramatic images of risking life and limb to run into a burning building, or charge an armed assailant, with the only objective being to protect the life of people at risk, often people who are strangers to them. Heroism can also be...
It’s Time to Speak Up!

It’s Time to Speak Up!

50 years ago, Pope Paul VI suggested if we need convincing of the solid ground on which the teachings of the church in this area are based, we need only “stop to reflect upon the consequences of the use of the methods of artificial birth regulation”...
Exciting Announcement!

Exciting Announcement!

The Church’s teaching on marital sexuality is an invitation for men and women—an invitation to let God be God, to receive the gift of God’s love and care, and to let this gift inform and transform us, so we may share that love with each other and with the world....