by Janet E. Smith | May 5, 2019
It’s been quite the ride, Humanae Vitae, being chosen in a sense by God to defend this document. I always feel like just this little person that is handing ammunition to the troops, and the troops have just done an incredible job getting it out there. There are many...
by Janet E. Smith | Oct 24, 2017
Many couples who have used methods of natural family planning testify that using NFP, while not always easy, has been beneficial and sometimes even extremely beneficial to their marriages and their personal spiritual lives. Their testimonies are not difficult to find...
by Janet E. Smith | Oct 24, 2017
Por la Profesora Dra. Janet Smith Muchas parejas que han utilizado-métodos de planificación familiar natural testifican que el uso de la PFN, aunque no siempre es fácil, ha sido beneficioso e incluso a veces muy beneficioso para sus matrimonios y para la vida...